Superintendent's Message
A warm winter welcome to all as we begin another issue of the District Newsletter. Hard to believe we are near the halfway point of the school year already and Mother Nature has been pretty good to us regarding two-hour delays or cancellation of school. As always, you will receive calls from our automated system on days in which we have adjusted or with messages from the schools. If you have not been receiving or have had problems please contact the school offices for assistance. As we begin a new calendar year we would like
to recognize our Board of Education members and thank them for all they do in the District. January is designated as School Board Recognition month in Ohio. The Lisbon Exempted Village School District is joining with other districts throughout the state to recognize the important contributions school board members make to their communities.
Ohioans benefit every day from the dedicated energies and countless hours devoted by a group of more than 3,400 men and women across the state. These public servants are elected to serve by local citizens and receive little compensation for their tireless effects. These men and women are the local school board members of Ohio.
These people unselfishly contribute their time and talents toward the advancement of public education. They represent a continuing commitment to local citizen control and decision-making in education. Even though we are making a special effort during January to show appreciation to our school board members, we recognize their contributions reflect a year-round commitment on their part. They are dedicated individuals who are committed to the continuing success of our schools and students.
The men and woman serving the Lisbon School District and their years of service are:
Gary Peruchetti, - 27 years
Jim Smith, - 23 years
Marti Grimm - 12 years
T.K. Hiscox - 09 years
Charles Bell -01 years
If you should happen to see any of these folks please take an opportunity to say thanks for all they do for the children of the district. Too often we forget about the important role that school board members play in assuring local control of our schools. Too often we are quick to criticize school board members without really knowing all the details that went into a given decision. Too often the efforts of school board members to improve our schools go unrecognized. So this month join me in thanking our school board for all they do to keep Lisbon
Schools the “heart of the community.”
The Lisbon BOE has been working very hard trying to educate the community on securing the financial future of the school district. I would personally like to thank them for all their hard work and dedication toward this endeavor. It is very apparent that the wants and needs of every Lisbon student both present and in the future was always at the forefront of their priority list. I am very proud of their efforts and grateful for their endless desire to see the students of Lisbon be the educational leaders of our community and society. Lastly, our goal at Lisbon Exempted Village Schools is not only provide the highest quality educational foundation for our students, but to make Lisbon Schools a positive experience. The most important ingredient to achieving this outcome is to ensure that lines of communication are developed to all for easy resolution of questions before they become conflicts. We encourage you to express your concerns directly with our staff members by scheduling a conference or phone call to avoid any misunderstandings. Our teachers and administration have always promoted an environment conducive to open lines of communication. Lisbon has always had high standards, and will continue to appreciate the input from our stakeholders.
Joe Siefke
Superintendent Lisbon Schools