District Forms
- Calendar
- Student Forms
- Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds Plan
- Free and Reduced Application
- Physical Form
- Transcript Request Form for Post Grads
- Asthma Inhaler
A student who needs to use an Asthma Inhaler during the school hours must have this form on file in the nurse's office.
- Epinephrine Autoinjector
This form needs to be filled out by the parent and the physician in order for the student to use the Epinephrine Autoinjector.
- Open Enrollment Form
- Superintendent Public Notice
Directory Information
- Student Fees List (High School)
- Student Accident Insurance Brochure
- Student Accident Application
Here are Accident insurance plans to cover your child either 24 hours a day (24-Hour Plan) or while in school (School-Time Plan).
- Filing a Claim
Filing a Claim for a Medical Accident
- Application For Blanket Student Accident Insurance
- Student Medication Form
Form to be filled out by the parent/guardian and the physician to be completed prior to the dispensing of any medication or medical procedures.
- Work Permit
Application for a Minor to Work according to the Law
- Lisbon Waiver for Personal Electronic Property Form
Form permitting students to bring specified portable electronic devices to School for educational purposes.
- Special Education
- A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education
ODE's Latest Update - A new special education procedural safeguards notice, A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education, is now available for district and parent use. This publication replaces the earlier procedural safeguards notice, Whose IDEA Is This? As of August 1, 2017, districts must no longer use that publication.
- Medicaid Reimbursement Program
Explains the district's participation in the Medicaid Reimbursement Program.
- Special Education Consent Order
Details on how the ODE will make changes in the way it monitors, enforces and publicizes compliance with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which ensures a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities.
- A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education
- Registration
- Records Release Form
Form to be filled out to have records from the previous school sent to Lisbon Schools.
- Residency Verification
This form must be completed for those who are living with another person and do not own or rent themselves.
- Residency Affidavit
To be used when a person does not rent or own a residence but are living in a shelter.
- Physical Form by the Dentist
Kindergarten Students are required to have a physical by the dentist before the first day they enter Kindergarten
- Physical Form by the Doctor
All Kindergarten students are required to have a physical by the doctor before they enter the first day of Kindergarten
- No Birth Certificate Available
To be used when it is impossible to get a Birth Certificate for a child.
- Online Application
Registration Form for those wishing to enroll into the Online School that is offered by Lisbon EV Schools. The form is to be taken to the Guidance Department at the High School.
- Records Release Form
- 2022-2023 Bus Routes
- Transportation
- Bus Request Form
Must be filled out to request a bus.
- School Van Use
Must be submitted prior to useage. Driver must have appropriate qualifications to operate the van.
- Bus Request Form
- Facility Usage Forms
- Stadium Community Room
To use the Stadium Community Room you must fill in this form and return it to the Superintendent's Office to be approved.
- Facilities Use Application
This form is used to request use of the school facilities except the Stadium Conference Room and the Board of Education Conference Room.
- Board of Education Office Conference Room Use
Please use this for the Board of Education Office Conference Room
- Stadium Community Room
- Lisbon Staff Forms
- Professional Development
Must be filled out before taking the class. Also need a copy of the tuition invoice that was sent when enrolling in the class.
- Requisition Form
Must be filled out before any purchase is made. The form is then signed by the principal and sent to the Board Office.
- Grievance Form
For staff use only
- Travel Expense Form
This form is to be used by a staff member who attends a Professional Meeting and has expenses for the meeting.
- Staff and Student AUP
Acceptable Use Policy
- Professional Development
- Hall of Fame
- Bullying
- David Anderson Bullying Incident Report
- McKinley Bullying Incident Report
2023 - 2024
- David Anderson Bullying Incident Report
- Water Testing
- Technology / Help Desks / Staff Links
- HR Kiosk
- New HR Kiosk
- Sick / Personal leave
- Old HR Kiosk Login
- LPDC / License Renewal
- New HR Kiosk
- Safe Schools (Staff)
- Lisbon Alumni Association
- LAA WebSite
Information on members, officers, past award winners, projects and important dates.
- LAA WebSite
- Lisbon Schools Bylaws & Policies
- NEW *LEVSD Bylaws & Policies *
Check here to find information regarding the bylaws and policies of the school district.
- Notice-of-Proposed-Class-Action-Settlement
- NEW *LEVSD Bylaws & Policies *
- Students